Title: Grass Is Greener Author: rustydog Characters: Gwen/Rhys, Jack Rating: G Challenge: 100 Drabble Challenge; #37 Seven Deadly Sins (Envy) Notes: Set post-2x04 "Meat." Two points of view.
Title: The End Author: Zinnamom Characters: Jack Challenge: 100 drabble challenge, mortality Rating: PG Summary: A man only dies once, so he’d better do it with style.
Title: The Photo Author: topgeargirl2 Characters: Jack Challenge: 100 drabbles/Falling Rating: PG Summary: Jack remembers solders from WW1 A/N: written for tw100
Title: Rift Trips For Nothing And The Chicks For Free Author: donutsweeper Fandoms: Torchwood and several others Characters: Jack Harkness, Tosh Sato and three members of the poultry persuasion. Challenges: 100 drabble challenge and crossovers Rating: G